University of Kent
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Genel Bilgiler
Okul hakkında genel bilgiler1965 senesinde kurulan University of Kent; 164 farklı ülkeden gelen 18,000 üzerindeki öğrencisine araştırma odaklı bir eğitim sağlamaktadır.
İngiltere'de Canterbury ve Medway lokasyonlarında undergraduate ve postgraduate eğitimleri veren üniversitenin ayrıca Paris'te eğitim veren bir kampüsü daha bulunmaktadır.
Canterbury Kampüsü;
Canterbury şehir merkezine yürüyerek 20 dakika mesafede yeşillikler ile çevirili sakin bir çevrede yer alan kampüs öğrencilerine 5,300 odadan oluşan konaklama imkanı da sunmaktadır.
Medway Kampüsü;
Londra merkezine tren ile 40 dakika mesafede yer alan kampüs 2 farklı üniversite ile lokasyonu paylaşmaktadır.
Sunulan Programlar
Foundation Year
- International Foundation Programme
- Accounting and Finance - BSc (Hons)
- Accounting and Finance and Economics - BSc (Hons)
- Actuarial Science - BSc (Hons)
- Ancient, Medieval and Modern History - BA (Hons)
- Anthropology - BSc (Hons)
- Applied Bioscience - BSc (Hons)
- Applied Bioscience - FdSc
- Applied Chemical Sciences - BSc (Hons)
- Applied Chemical Sciences - FdSc
- Architecture - MArch - ARB/RIBA Part 2
- Architecture - BA (Hons) - ARB/RIBA Part 1
- Art History - BA (Hons)
- Art History and Film - BA (Hons)
- Artificial Intelligence - BSc (Hons)
- Astronomy, Space Science and Astrophysics - MPhys
- Astronomy, Space Science and Astrophysics - BSc (Hons)
- Biochemistry - BSc (Hons)
- Biology - BSc (Hons)
- Biomedical Engineering - BEng (Hons)
- Biomedical Science - BSc (Hons)
- Business and Entrepreneurship - BSc (Hons)
- Business and Management - BSc (Hons)
- Business Information Technology - BSc (Hons)
- Business Psychology - BSc (Hons)
- Business (top-up) - BA (Hons)
- Chartered Manager - BSc (Hons)
- Chemistry - BSc (Hons)
- Chemistry - MChem
- Classical and Archaeological Studies - BA (Hons)
- Classical Studies - BA (Hons)
- Comparative Literature - BA (Hons)
- Comparative Literature and Drama - BA (Hons)
- Comparative Literature and Film - BA (Hons)
- Computer Science - BSc (Hons)
- Computer Science (Cyber Security) - BSc (Hons)
- Criminal Justice and Criminology - BA (Hons)
- Criminology - BA (Hons)
- Criminology and Cultural Studies - BA (Hons)
- Criminology and Social Policy and Social Change - BA (Hons)
- Criminology and Sociology - BA (Hons)
- Cultural Studies and Film - BA (Hons)
- Cultural Studies and Media - BA (Hons)
- Cultural Studies and Media and Journalism - BA (Hons)
- Cultural Studies and Media with Journalism - BA (Hons)
- Cultural Studies and Social Anthropology - BA (Hons)
- Digital Design - BSc (Hons)
- Drama and Film - BA (Hons)
- Drama and Theatre - BA (Hons)
- Economics - BSc (Hons)
- Economics and Management - BA (Hons)
- Economics and Politics - BA (Hons)
- Economics with Data Science - BSc (Hons)
- Economics with Econometrics - BSc (Hons)
- Electronic and Computer Engineering - MEng
- Electronic and Computer Engineering - BEng (Hons)
- Electronic and Computer Systems (top-up, non-accredited) - BEng (Hons)
- English and French Law - LLB (Hons)
- English Language and Linguistics - BA (Hons)
- English Literature - BA (Hons)
- English Literature and Creative Writing - BA (Hons)
- English Literature and English Language and Linguistics - BA (Hons)
- English Literature and Film - BA (Hons)
- Environmental Social Sciences - BA (Hons)
- European Legal Studies - LLB (Hons)
- Fashion and Textiles (top-up) - BA (Hons)
- Film - BA (Hons)
- Film and History - BA (Hons)
- Film and Media Studies - BA (Hons)
- Finance and Investment - BSc (Hons)
- Financial Economics - BSc (Hons)
- Financial Economics with Econometrics - BSc (Hons)
- Fine Art (top-up) - BA (Hons)
- Forensic Science - MSci
- Forensic Science - BSc (Hons)
- Graphic Design - BA (Hons)
- Graphic Design (top-up) - BA (Hons)
- Health and Social Care - BA (Hons)
- History - BA (Hons)
- History and Politics - BA (Hons)
- Human Biology and Behaviour - BSc (Hons)
- Human Geography - BSc (Hons)
- International Business - BSc (Hons)
- International Foundation Programme (Autumn start) - Credit
- International Foundation Programme (Spring start) - Credit
- International Legal Studies with a Year Abroad - LLB (Hons)
- Journalism - BA (Hons)
- Law - LLB (Hons)
- Law and Accounting and Finance - LLB (Hons)
- Law and Criminology - LLB (Hons)
- Law and Economics - LLB (Hons)
- Law and Management - LLB (Hons)
- Law and Philosophy - LLB (Hons)
- Law and Politics - LLB (Hons)
- Law and Social Anthropology - LLB (Hons)
- Law and Sociology - LLB (Hons)
- Law (Senior Status) - LLB (Hons)
- Law with Quantitative Research - LLB (Hons)
- Liberal Arts - BA (Hons)
- Management - BSc (Hons)
- Management (Business Analytics) - BSc (Hons)
- Management (People Management) - BSc (Hons)
- Marketing - BSc (Hons)
- Master 1 Droit international et européen and LLB in Law Linked Award - LLB (Hons)
- Mathematics - MMath
- Mathematics - BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics and Accounting and Finance - BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics and Statistics - BSc (Hons)
- Mathematics with Secondary Education (QTS) - BSc (Hons)
- Mechanical Engineering - BEng (Hons)
- Media Studies - BA (Hons)
- Medicine - BM BS
- Military History - BA (Hons)
- Modern Languages - BA (Hons)
- Modern Languages and Management - BA (Hons)
- Music Business and Production - BA (Hons)
- Music, Performance and Production - BA (Hons)
- Music Technology and Audio Production - BSc (Hons)
- Pharmacy - MPharm
- Philosophy - BA (Hons)
- Philosophy and Management - BA (Hons)
- Philosophy and Politics - BA (Hons)
- Philosophy and Religious Studies - BA (Hons)
- Photography (top-up) - BA (Hons)
- Physics - MPhys
- Physics - BSc (Hons)
- Physics with Astrophysics - MPhys
- Physics with Astrophysics - BSc (Hons)
- Politics - BA (Hons)
- Politics and International Relations - BA (Hons)
- Politics and International Relations (Bi-diplôme) - BA (Hons)
- Professional Economist - Higher Apprenticeship - BSc (Hons)
- Psychology - BSc (Hons)
- Psychology with Clinical Psychology - BSc (Hons)
- Psychology with Forensic Psychology - BSc (Hons)
- Religious Studies - BA (Hons)
- Social Policy and Social Change - BA (Hons)
- Social Policy and Social Change and Politics - BA (Hons)
- Social Sciences - BSc (Hons)
- Social Work - BA (Hons)
- Sociology - BA (Hons)
- Full-time or part-time
- Sociology and Economics - BA (Hons)
- Sociology and Politics - BA (Hons)
- Sociology and Social Anthropology - BA (Hons)
- Sociology, Social Policy and Social Change - BA (Hons)
- Software Engineering - BSc (Hons)
- Spatial and Interior Design - BA (Hons)
- Sport and Exercise for Health - BSc (Hons)
- Sport and Exercise Science - BSc (Hons)
- Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation - BSc (Hons)
- Wildlife Conservation - BSc (Hons)
Graduate Programları
- Actuarial Science - MSc
- Actuarial Science with an Industrial Placement - MSc
- Advanced Computer Science - MSc
- Advanced Research in Criminology - MSc
- American Literature and Culture - MA
- Ancient History - MA
- Anthropology - MA
- Applied Actuarial Science - MSc
- Applied Actuarial Science (International Master's) - MSc
- Applied Actuarial Science with an Industrial Placement - MSc
- Applied Actuarial Science with an Industrial Placement (International Master's) - MSc
- Applied Behaviour Analysis (Intellectual and Developmental Disability) - PCert, PDip, MSc
- Architecture and the Sustainable Environment - MSc
- Architecture and Urban Design - MA
- Architecture - ARB/RIBA Part 2 - MArch
- Artificial Intelligence - MSc
- Autism Studies - PCert, PDip, MA
- Autism Studies (Distance Learning) - PCert, PDip, MA
- Bio Digital Architecture - MSc
- Biochemistry - MSc
- Biodiversity Management (by Research) – MSc
- Biological Anthropology (by Research) - MSc
- Biomedical Engineering (by Research and Thesis) - MSc
- Biomedicine - MSc
- Biotechnology and Bioengineering - MSc
- Biotechnology and Business - MSc
- Business Analytics - MSc
- Business Analytics with an Industrial Placement - MSc
- Cancer Biology and Therapeutics - MSc
- Cell Biology - MSc
- Chemistry - MSc
- Cognitive Psychology / Neuropsychology - MSc
- Community Care - MA
- Comparative Literature - MA
- Comparative Politics - MA
- Computational Biology - MSc
- Computer Science - MSc
- Computer Science - MSc
- Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) - MSc
- Computer Science (Cyber Security) - MSc
- Conservation and International Wildlife Trade - MSc
- Conservation and Rural Development - MSc
- Conservation Biology - MSc
- Conservation Project Management - MSc
- Creative Producing - MA
- Creative Writing - MA
- Creative Writing - MA
- Creative Writing - MA
- Criminology - MA
- Criminology - MA
- Curating - MA
- Cyber Security - MSc
- Development Economics - MSc
- Developmental Psychology - MSc
- Digital Arts (by Research) - MSc
- Digital Marketing and Analytics - MSc
- Digital Marketing and Analytics with Industrial Placement - MSc
- Economics - MSc
- Economics and Econometrics - MSc
- Economics Conversion Programme - MSc
- Electronic Engineering (by Research) - MSc
- English - MA
- English and American Literature - MA
- Ethnobiology (by Research) - MSc
- Ethnobotany - MSc
- EU External Relations - MA
- Experimental and Theoretical Linguistics - MA
- Film - MA
- Film with Practice - MA
- Finance and Management - MSc
- Finance and Management with Industrial Placement - MSc
- Finance (Dual Award) - MSc
- Finance, Investment and Risk - MSc
- Finance, Investment and Risk with Industrial Placement - MSc
- Finance with Industrial Placement - MSc
- Financial Economics - MSc
- Financial Technology - MSc
- Financial Technology with Industrial Placement - MSc
- Forensic Osteology and Field Recovery Methods - MSc
- Forensic Psychology - MSc
- Forensic Science - MSc
- Genetics - MSc
- Healthcare Management - MSc
- Healthcare Management with Industrial Placement - MSc
- History - MA
- History and Archaeology of the Greek and Roman Worlds - MA
- History and Philosophy of Art - MA
- History and Philosophy of Art - MA
- Human Geography - MSc
- Human Resource Management - MSc
- Human Resource Management with Industrial Placement – MSc
- Human Rights Law - LLM
- Infectious Diseases - MSc
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - PCert, PDip, MA
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities - MA
- Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (Distance Learning) - PCert, PDip, MA
- International Business and Management - MSc
- International Business and Management with Industrial Placement - MSc
- International Conflict Analysis - PDip, MA
- International Conflict Analysis – MA
- International Conflict and Security - MA
- International Development - MA
- International Law - LLM
- International Migration - MA
- International Multimedia Journalism - MA
- International Political Economy - MA
- International Relations - PDip, MA
- International Relations - MA
- International Relations (International Double Award) - MA
- International Relations with International Law - PDip, MA
- International Social Policy - MA
- Journalism – MA
- Law - PCert, PDip, LLM
- Law - PhD
- Law (by Research) - LLM
- Law (Criminal Justice) - LLM, PDip
- Law (Human Rights Law) - LLM, PDip
- Law (Intellectual Property Law) - LLM, PDip
- Law (International Commercial Law) - LLM, PDip
- Law (International Criminal Justice) - LLM, PDip
- Law (International Environmental Law) - LLM, PDip
- Law (International Law) - LLM, PDip
- Law (International Law with International Relations) - LLM, PDip
- Law (Law and Health) - LLM, PDip
- Leadership and Management - MSc
- Leadership and Management with Industrial Placement - MSc
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management - MSc
- Logistics and Supply Chain Management with Industrial Placement - MSc
- Marketing - MSc
- Marketing with an Industrial Placement - MSc
- Master of Business Administration (MBA) - MBA
- Mathematics – MSc
- Mechanical Engineering (by Research and Thesis) - MSc
- Medical Humanities - MA
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies - MA
- Medieval and Early Modern Studies - MA
- Mental Health of People with Learning Disabilities - MA
- Methods of Social Research - PCert, MA
- Microbiology - MSc
- Modern History - MA
- Multimedia Journalism - MA
- Networks and Security - MSc
- Organisational and Business Psychology - PCert, PDip, MSc
- Peace and Conflict Studies (International Joint Award) - MA
- Philosophy - MA
- Physical Acting - MA
- Political and Social Thought - MA
- Political Psychology - MSc
- Political Strategy and Communication - MA
- Positive Behaviour Support - MSc
- Postcolonial Studies - MA
- Postcolonial Studies - PhD
- Reproductive Medicine: Science and Ethics - MSc
- Security and Terrorism - PDip, MA
- Social Anthropology - Humanitarian and Environmental Crises - MA
- Social Policy - MA
- Social Psychology - MSc
- Social Work - MA
- Socio-legal Studies - LLM
- Sociology - MA
- Sociology - MA
- Sport and Exercise Science (by Research and Thesis) - MSc
- Sport, Exercise and Health Science - SportD
- Statistical Data Science - MSc
- Statistical Data Science with an Industrial Placement - MSc
- Statistics - MSc
- Strategic Project Management - MSc
- Strategic Project Management with Industrial Placement - MSc
- The Contemporary Novel: Practice as Research - MA
- Theatre Making - MA
- Two Year Master's in International Social Policy - MA
- Urban Planning and Resilience - MA
- Urban Studies - MA
Kabul Kriterleri
Foundation Year;
- Lise Diploması (%70 / 3.5-5.0 not ortalaması ile)
- IELTS 5.0 (5.0 altında band olmadan)
PTE Academic 36
TOEFL IBT 62 (Reading 15, Writing 15, Listening 14 , Speaking 19)
Undergraduate Programları;
- Lise Diploması (%75 / 4.0-5.0 not ortalaması ile)
- IELTS 6.5 (6.0 altında band olmadan)
PTE Academic 60 (her alt sekmede 60 puan ve üstü ile)
TOEFL IBT 90 (Reading 22, Writing 21, Listening 17, Speaking 20)
Postgraduate Programları;
- Lisans Diploması (2.7-4.0 not ortalaması ile)
- IELTS 6.5 (6.0 altında band olmadan)
PTE Academic 62 (her alt sekmede 60 puan ve üstü ile)
TOEFL IBT 90 (Reading 22, Writing 21, Listening 17, Speaking 20)
University of Kent başvuru koşulları bölümlere göre değişiklik göstermektedir. Detaylı ve bölüm bazlı bilgi almak için bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
Program Ücretleri
2025-26 | Senelik Öğrenim Ücreti |
International Foundation Programme | £18,600 |
Undergraduate Programlar | £18,600 - £23,700 |
Postgraduate Programlar | £18,600 - £25,200 |
University of Kent senelik öğrenim ücretleri program bazlı olarak değişiklik gösterebilmektedir.
Detaylı bilgi almak için bizimle irtibata geçebilirsiniz.
Burs Olanakları
Burslara başvuru yapabilmek için önce başvuru yapıp kabul almak gerekmektedir. Akabinde ayrı bir başvuru ile burs talebinde bulunulmaktadır.
Undergraduate Programları için;
- Academic Excellence £2,000
- Foundation Programme Progression £3,750
- International Scholarship for Undergraduate Students £3,000
Postgraduate Programları için;
- International Scholarship for Taught Master's Students £3,000
Burs imkanları ve başvuru koşulları hakkında bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz.
Sokak Görüntüsü
Fotograf Galerisi
Öğrencilerimizden Yurtdışı Eğitim Deneyimlerini DinleyinHEMEN ÜCRETSİZ DANIŞMANLIK ALIN
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Mesajınız |
İtalya'da Üniversite Eğitimi
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Nilden Melis YILMAZ
İtalya'da Üniversite-Cattolica Universitesi
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Beliz GENÇ
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Hult International Business School Amerika'da MBA programı
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Cem Berk UZUN
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Milano’daki Yeni Hayatım: Linguaviva ve Politecnico Di Milano
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Politecnico Di Milano’da Management Engineering
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Gizem TOPUZ - Orçun TUĞTAŞ
Universita Cattolica Milano Başvurusu
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Kings College University'de Hukuk İngilizcesi
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Gözde B.
Floransa İzlenimlerim - Florence Design Academy
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Güneş Seliz ERTEM
Universita Cattolica'da Uluslararası İlişkiler
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University Of Hertfordshire’da Foundation ve Lisans
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Ca’Foscari’de International Management Yüksek Lisansı
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